
Room Hire in Central London

Charges and Catering Facilities

Room Hire Catering and Charges

Prices effective from October 2024

Capacity for up to 60 guests

Full £295 Charity £242

Full £295 Charity £242

Full £412 Charity £338

Capacity for up to 80 guests

Full £306 Charity £251

Full £306 Charity £252

Full £426 Charity £349

Capacity for up to 80 guests

Full £461 Charity £378

Full £461 Charity £378

Full £642 Charity £526

Capacity for up to 24 guests

Full £175 Charity £144

Full £175 Charity £144

Full £256 Charity £210

Capacity maximum 12 in boardroom set up

Full £146 Charity £120

Full £146 Charity £120

Full £198 Charity £163

Charge applies for use by outside caterers

Per Hire £97

Per Hire £97


  1. These charges apply to academic meetings, lectures, seminars and committee meetings only.
    Meetings which do not fall into these categories are subject to a different tariff. Events that require the exclusive use of Lettsom House are subject to a minimum tariff irrespective of the individual rooms required. Please consult the Deputy Registrar regarding the relevant tariffs.
  2. The rates shown are for Monday to Friday. Lettsom House is not normally available for hire at weekends. When this is agreed an extra charge will be quoted.
  3. The discounted Charity rate is for charities registered in the UK with a Charities Commission Reg No.
  4. Room hire is zero-rated for VAT.
    Other charges (VAT at the current rate will be added to these charges)

Full Terms and Conditions, including cancellation charges, are available HERE

Audio-visual Equipment:

  1. A single charge of £55 is payable for the use of audio-visual equipment (screen, leads and stands, laser pointer and flip charts/pens. The use of amplifying equipment is included in the charge for Conference Room.
  2. A charge of £177 is made for the use of a data projector and laptop or £95 for either piece of equipment on its own.
  3. Use of the new AV in the Library is charged at £32 per event
  4. AV is provided for the use of the client – there is no technical support assistant available.

Use outside normal hours:

A charge of £80 per half-hour (or part thereof) is made for access before 8.30am and for departure after 10.00pm.

Catering OptionsPrices
Tea/coffee and biscuits/tap water£2.60 per head/per serving
Filter Coffee (if requested)60p additional per head
Orange/apple juice£2.80/jug
Bottled water (sparkling/still)£2.00/2 litre bottle
Red/white house wine£11.00/bottle
Corkage for provision of own wines£2.60 per bottle
Basic Lunch (sandwiches and fruit)£17.00 per head
Lettsom's lunch (Enhanced with wraps and warm finger food)£19.50 per head - min no 12
Nibbles (crisps/nuts)£1.00 per head
Use of single items of crockery£1.10 per head
Use of full place setting£2.00 per head

Outside Caterers

Outside caterers are required for more extensive catering arrangements. The Society is pleased to recommend suitable caterers,  but the Hirer is responsible for settling accounts directly with them.
The hire charge of £97 for the use of the kitchen applies in these circumstances.