Becoming a Member
Fellowship of the Medical Society of London is open to any medical practitioner who is eligible, at the time of election, for registration in the UK and is ordinarily resident in the UK. Fellowship thereafter is not conditional upon remaining on the medical register or having a licence to practice. Fellowship is also open to those in other health professions who hold a relevant registerable qualification and a higher qualification or are otherwise distinguished and whose qualifications are satisfactory to the Council.

Those wishing to join the Fellowship should complete the form which is to be countersigned by a Fellow. Should a prospective Fellow not be known to any current Fellows, they should contact The Registrar who will arrange for them to attend an Ordinary Meeting as a guest and introduce them to the Fellowship. Prospective Fellows will be accepted by the Council and passed for nomination at an Ordinary Meeting. Provided that no objections are received, new Fellows will be elected at the Ordinary Meeting following their nomination and inducted by The President. A Joining Fee of £50 is payable and Subscriptions are £80 per annum for London-based Fellows and £50 for Country Fellows. Full procedures for membership can be found in Laws and Standing Orders “In the name of and by the authority of The Medical Society of London I admit you a Fellow thereof.”